

These are some of the experiments we did in the testing phase prior to the release of Cinema R20. We took the new features of this release and went for a wild ride through a monochrome and bright world full of photoscans. Things start to move, it's unexpected,... and there there is: chroma

To get you started real quick with Cinema R20 we have recorded a few tutorials for you, showing what is most essential to understand in order to get the most out of their power. Let us start with the all new and revamped way of creating falloffs: Fields.


Next in line: What are Volumes? Volumes are introduced in Cinema R20 and maybe you ask yourself what the heck that is? Here's a jump start to filled up spaces.


And now that you know what Volumes are what would be more logical than to take a look at what can be done with them. Working with Volumes. And uuuuuh, here's the bubblin' artichoke again!


And finally - want the designs as T-Shirts? Here you go


Done for: MAXON Computer

Design Film
Creative Director: Matthias Zabiegly
Photogrammetry: Manuel Casasola Merkle
Music: Michael Fakesch, Designing Sounds

Tutorials: Manuel Casasola Merkle