ProSieben Wallpaper

ProSieben Wallpaper

For the relaunch of ProSieben on air design we had the pleasure to work on some animated backgrounds. We created five completely different moving wallpapers employing different techniques trying to bring as much variation as possible both from a technology point of view as well as visually while maintaining a consistend dark and mysterious look.

Fluffy soft shapes and hard glass objects, both illuminated from within.

Metal tentacles make up this background that we dubbed VolumeStreamers. We used Houdini to create a turbulent vector velocity field in a volume. Lines visualizing various sample points travelling through that field were brought into c4d via Alembic, rendered with vray, heavy depth-of-field and some additional elements we like to call bling bling particles.

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Wallpaper "Glas Fragments" is an Xpresso and keyframe driven piece that relies heavily on refraction effects in the glass crystals. Light impulses running through the fragments add that extra bit of visual lavishness to sell the piece. The glowing dots that were there in the layout phase were removed for the final rending to take away actual visible light sources and have all light coming out of invisible sources.

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Our underwater bubblin' flowers were created by doing the branches in Houdini as that allowed us to easily tweak the movement. We had very rigid main trunks and more agile finer branches simulated all in one setup by deforming them via the splines UVs. The branches were brought into Cinema4d where they met the blossoms. A few custom Python plugins were neccessary to create actual spline copies of the alembic imports, align the blossoms properly to the end points of the splines and have the opening animation triggered automatically one after another. Thinking Particles then did all the bubblin' as the blossoms open.

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Title: ProSieben Wallpaper
Client: ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH

Client Producer: Anne-Jacqueline Wenisch
Client ArtDirector: Markus Goles

Creative Director: Manuel Casasola Merkle
Producer: Julian Fischer
3d Artists: Christian Scheck, Marco Seeberger, Fuat Yüksel, Christian Tyroller, Thom Haig  
Sound: Michael Fakesch