Penny Protected Animals

Penny - Protected Animals

Things to be learned from this one: When preparing for a safari it's super important to check your cooling water, radio equipment and that the elephant is not eating all of your food supplies before you even start going.

Penny Protected Animals | 0


Client: PENNY
Agency: Serviceplan Campaign3 GmbH
FFF: Neverest Group GmbH

CG director @ Aix: Tobias Müller
Producer @Aix: Julian Fischer

3D scanning: Holger Biebrach
Sculpting: Lars Korb
Lead 3D: Leo Akinbiyi
Animation: Leo Akinbiyi, Alexander Bootz, Can Erduman
3D Rendering: Jens Kindler, Lisa Schlichtner, Matthias Zabiegly

Compositing: Tobias Müller
Product Photography: Oliver Maier
Product Preparation: Andreas Walther