HAIX - Connexis Go

HAIX Connexis Go

a shoe that activates your fascias and increases your performace.

A scanned shoe asset

From photoreal shoe to see-through glass shoe with glowing fascia stimulating strips...

Our trusted and prooven photogrammetry scan workflow provided a highres 3d model of the shoe to work with. All parts of the upper have been retoped for a flawless transition-to-glass effect. For the sole we used the high res geo straight from the scan as retopo wasn't neccessary for that part.

HAIX - Connexis Go
HAIX - Connexis Go | 0
HAIX - Connexis Go | 1
HAIX - Connexis Go | 0
HAIX - Connexis Go | 1
HAIX - Connexis Go | 2
HAIX - Connexis Go | 3
HAIX - Connexis Go | 4
HAIX - Connexis Go | 5
HAIX - Connexis Go | 6
HAIX - Connexis Go | 7
HAIX - Connexis Go | 8

Further Use...

Our shoe asset has also been used to greate a dynamic 3d webpage experience on haix.de. If you want to take a look, here's the webspecial page:

HAIX CONNEXIS GO | web experience

HAIX - Connexis Go


Client: HAIX GmbH, Mainburg

Production Company & Agency: WORKFLOW FILMS
Director: Florian Fischer
Producer: Daniela Kroher

CG Director: Christian Tyroller
Producer: Julian Fischer
3D Scanning: Manuel Casasola Merkle
Modelling & Sculpting: Lars Korb
Shading, Animation, Rendering: Jens Kindler
VFX: Lukas Eberle
Set Supervision: Hannes Weigert